
Savant中间件设计及其智能特性实现 被引量:4

Design on Savant subsystem and implementation on Savant’s intelligence characteristics
摘要 Savant中间件是EPC系统中一个关键的组件,是连接标签阅读器和企业应用程序的纽带。Savant系统的效率及鲁棒性直接影响着整个EPC系统的效率及稳定性,Savant系统的设计成功与否也成为EPC系统能否成功的关键。目前Savant系统还没有完善的设计方案及成熟的产品工具,这样不可避免地增加了EPC系统的应用难度,阻碍了物联网的发展。主要研究基于Agent的Savant中间件设计、系统架构及其智能特性实现,并在JADE平台上完成了系统原型。为Savant系统的构建思想和技术提供了一种新的解决方案,并通过Savant中间件的智能特性的实现提升了EPC系统的智慧服务能力。 Savant middleware is a key components of Electronic Product Code (EPC) system, it connects EPC tags readers and applications of the enterprise. Savant system' s efficiency and robustness directly affects the EPC system' s efficiency and stability. The design of the Savant system is the key of success of EPC system. It is not easy to design Savant system for there is no mature tool, that hinders the development of Internet of Things. This paper studies the design of a Savant subsystem of EPC based on Agent, the architecture of Savant system base on Muti-Agent System (MAS). It implements on intelligence characteristics of Savant and designs a prototype of Savant system based on JADE platform. The paper maybe points out a new way to con-struct Savant system and improves the wisdom of EPC system service ability through the implementation of intelligent character-istics of Savant.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第1期10-14,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.70871091 No.61075064 No.61034004 No.61005090)
关键词 物联网 代理 多智能体系统 电子产品代码系统 Savant系统 Internet of Things Agent Muti-Agent System (MAS) Electronic Product Code (EPC) Savant system
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