对600 MW亚临界控制循环锅炉的邻炉底部蒸汽加热进行了研究,通过合适的改造,控制循环锅炉也能实现邻炉底部蒸汽加热的安全应用。提出了将冷再热蒸汽作为汽源,邻炉蒸汽加热系统不采用传统的在水冷壁下联箱上布置加热管道的方法,而是利用炉水循环泵的特点在泵的出口布水管上各安装一个小阻力的蒸汽加热器,安装方便并且蒸汽加热均匀、各管道温度偏差小、产生的振动也小。在王滩发电公司的2台600 MW机组锅炉成功进行了改造,实现了600 MW亚临界控制循环锅炉的邻炉底部蒸汽加热,改造后节能效果显著,经济效益显著,并具有改造容易、改造费用低的特点;改造后机组启动时间缩短等优点,可以进行技术推广。
The adjacent boiler bottom heating system of 600 MW sub-critical controlled circulation boiler is investiga- ted in this article, and the adjacent boiler bottom heating system can be applied safely in controlled circulation boiler by appropriate modification. Not using the traditional way of arranging heating pipe in the water-wall lower header, the system is modified by adding a small resistance steam heater in the outlet water-distributing duct of each boiler circulating pump, and cold re-heater steam is proposed as the steam source. The modification is easy to install, evens the steam heating, decreases the temperature deviation, and weakens the vibration. Based on the successful modifica- tion on Wangtan Power Company 2 × 600 MW units,the adjacent boiler bottom heating system of 600 MW sub-critical controlled circulation boiler is actualized. Compared with previous status,the modified units have the advantages of remarkable energy savings, obvious economic benefit, easy modification,low cost and shorter startup time, and the modification can be technological popularized.
North China Electric Power
sub-critical controlled circulation
adjacent boiler bottom heating
cold re-heater steam, modification