Objective To observe the clinical application of home-made scparate gel. Msthods Thirty blood specimens were taken with separate gel and without gel.14 items of biochendcal tests were made comparatively afer having been stored at room temperature for l.2.6 and 8 hours respectively. ResuIts Serum K, Na and Cl levels were raised and GLU,TCO2 lowered in specimens without separate gel after storage for one hour,significantly different from those in specimens with separate gel(P<0.01) and the lowering of GLU and TCO2 was more prominent with prolongation of storage in specimens with separate gel remained stable. The reslllts of all items 8 hours after being stored at room tempture, except GLU and TCO2 were lowered slightly. Conclusions The home-made separate gel has good effect on stabilizing the biochemical components in serum and can be popularized in clinical application.
Jiangxi Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences