此评估系统按照《1 969年国际油污损害民事责任公约及其 1 992年议定书》索赔手册中对海上船舶油污事故造成的损害赔偿项目的分类 ,根据每一类损害的特征和性质 ,通过方便直观的输入界面 ,采用相应的估算方法对各类损失与损害程度以及赔偿总量逐一进行了直接评估 .另外 ,根据事故损害赔偿案例之间所具有的可比性 ,运用多因素模糊对比法 ,通过对历史事故赔偿案例及其产生损害程度各相关因素的比较 ,它还可间接得到大致的赔偿范围 .用户根据实际和所掌握的资料情况可选择两种评估方法 ,也可相互比较平衡 ,最终确定合理的评估结果 ,为海上船舶溢油事故造成损害的合理赔偿与索赔提供科学的评估依据 .
In the software system two different methods are developed to assess the oil pollution damage resulting from the ship oil spill accident. One is the direct way in which under the definition of the IOPC Convention, all the types of damage or losses are evaluated and summed up by means of appropriate mathematics methods according to their characteristics. The another is an indirect way in which the spill information and criteria of the accident are compared with those of the previous oil pollution compensation cases by means of the Fuzzy Multi criteria Assessment Method, and the damage and losses range of the accident can be obtained based on its similarity to the cases. The results of the both methods are balanced to make a final reasonable conclusion for the oil pollution damage compensation and claims. The software system is of friendly user interface and good interactive ability.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University
国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金资助项目 !( 9680 1 )
交通部科技进步"通达计划"资助项目!( 95-0 4 -0 6-0 1 )