在对南京市建邺区 9个居委会的 15 17名 35岁以上妇女的健康状况调查中发现 :两年内进行过乳房与宫颈涂片检查的人数仅占被调查对象的 2 8.6 % ,而以上两项都未检查的却占 5 9.7%。两项中仅检查乳房一项的占 7.5 % ,仅检查宫颈涂片一项的占 2 .0 % ,由此可见中老年妇女健康保健中存在的问题比较突出。调查结果还表明 ,中老年妇女的健康检查和自我保健意识与文化程度、职业及就业情况、有无医疗保障等情况密切相关。因此 ,在社区加强健康教育 ,提高妇女对健康检查和自我保健的认识 ,为下岗或经济收入较低的中老年妇女提供“方便、快捷”与“高质量 ,低成本”的健康服务等是解决上述存在问题的重要措施 。
WT5”BZ]This study surveyed the health care for middle and aged women.Subjects included 1517 women age 35 and older,who live in Jianye district of Nanjing.The result showed that only 28.6% women had breast and cerviceal mucus examination,while 59.7% womendid nothing.There were 7.5% women who only had breast examinations and 2.0% women who only had cervical mucus examinations.So the problems in health care for middle and aged women were severe.The survey also indicated that physical examination and their self care consciousness were associated with education level,occupation,employment and medical insurance.These problems could be solved by strengthening health education to improve their recognition of physical examination and self care in community;providing“convenient and quick” and “high quality and low cost” health service for those women who were unemployed or had lower income.It also should be paid more attention by corresponding departments.
Chinese Health Service Management