为了解心房颤动及心房扑动发生时的长短周期现象的临床意义 ,观察经动态心电图或监测心电图证实的心房颤动8例和心房扑动6例。结果显示 :心房颤动或心房扑动发生前的长周期多见于房性期前收缩后代偿间歇及明显窦性心动过缓等心律失常 ;长短周期现象对心房颤动、心房扑动的启动作用可经心脏的程序刺激诱发和复制 ;6例患者经DDD起搏治疗 ,阵发性心房颤动及心房扑动的发生率明显下降 ,部分病例还需服用抗心律失常药物。认为长短周期现象是心房颤动、心房扑动的一个重要启动机制 ,频率较快的心房起搏可逆转长短现象而防治这种心房颤动。
Patients with atrial fibrillation(8 cases) and atrial flutter(6 cases) were studied in order to reveal clinical significance of long_ cycle _ short _ cycle phenomenon in initializing atrial fibrillation and flutter.Results showed that long _ cycle leading to atrial fibrillation and flutter were mostly compensating period due to atrial premature beat or obviously sinus bradycardia.Initializing effect(atrial fibrillation and flutter) of long _ cycle _ short _ cycle phenomenon could be reproduced by programmed electrical stimulation.Six patients received DDD pacing therapy,incidence rate of atrial fibrillation and flutter were obviously decreased,although partial patients still need taking antiarrhythmic drugs.We consider long _ cycle _ short _ cycle phenomenon is an important initializing mechanism of atrial fibrillation and flutter.Atrial pacing with fast rate could convert long _ cycle _ short _ cycle phenomenon so as to prevent and treat this kind of atrial fibrillation and flutter.
Journal of Electrocardiology(China)
Long-cycle-short-cycle phenomenon Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter