在假设 M0N={ 0 ,1,2 ,… ,2 N- 1} ,VN 表示所有形如 υN={ x0 ,x1,… ,x N -1}的矢量的集合的情形下 ,证明了如果 m∈ M0N 且 m→ υN(m) ,则映射 σ:M0N→ VN 是一一映射。由此可得推论 1:设MN={ 1,2 ,… ,2 N} ,如果 m∈ MN 且 m→ υN(m) ,则此对应是一对一的 ,推论 2 :设 V表示所有奇偶矢量 υ={ x0 ,x1,… }的集合 ,如果 m∈ N且 m→ υ(m) ,则此对应是一对一的 .
It is shown in this paper that let M°\-N ={0,1,2,…,2\+ N -1}, and V\-N denote the set of all υ\-N of truncations up to the Nth term, viz., {x\-0,x\-1,…x\- N-1 }, of the parity vector υ={x\-0,x\-1,… }, if m∈M\+0\-N , and m→υ\-N(m) , then the mapping σ:M°\-N→V\-N is one\|to\|one. The following lemmas are from this. Lemam1. Let M\-N={1,2,…,2\+N} , if m∈M\-N , and m→υ\-N(m), then the correspondence is one\|to\|one. Lemma2. Let v denote the set of all parity vector υ={x\-0,x\-1,…} , if m∈N , and m→υ (m), then the correspondence is one\|to\|one.Thus the investigation on any natural number can be converted to the investigation on its parity vector.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Natural Sciences)