
一种基于维修流程的装备维修任务调度方法 被引量:3

A Tasks Scheduling Model of Armament Maintenance Based on the Maintenance Flow
摘要 为了快速、有效地进行战时装备修理任务调度,减少故障装备在维修系统的等待时间,尽快恢复部队的战斗力,提出一种串行维修流程的多专业多作战单元维修任务调度的数学描述和模型。分析基于维修流程的装备维修任务调度问题,描述串行同顺序维修流程任务调度问题,给出求解维修调度的混合遗传算法,并以实例对算法的时间效率和优化结果进行仿真实验。仿真实验结果表明,该方法能有效解决一种战时维修任务调度问题。 In order to implement armament maintenance task scheduling quickly and effectively, reduce waiting time of armament in maintenance systems, and resume battle effectiveness as soon as possible, a general mathematical description and relative model of serial maintenance flow with multi-specialty and multi-combat-unit maintenance task scheduling are put forward. Based on maintenance flow, the armament maintenance task scheduling problem with serial flow and same order is expatiated and a hybrid genetic algorithm is presented to solve such problem. Experiments are carried out, and simulation results show that the method is effective to solve maintenance task scheduling problems in wartime.
出处 《兵工自动化》 2012年第12期28-32,共5页 Ordnance Industry Automation
基金 国防预研基金项目(9140A27040311JB47)
关键词 维修任务 优化调度 混合遗传算法 maintenance task optimization scheduling updated genetic algorithm
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