
糖皮质激素在社区获得性肺炎治疗中的应用 被引量:6

Application of corticosteroids in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia
摘要 社区获得性肺炎是临床常见的疾病,虽然有大量抗生素的开发应用,死亡率却无明显下降。肺炎特别是重症肺炎时患者体内可能发生过度炎性反应,导致糖皮质激素相对不足,因此,其作为辅助治疗的作用逐渐被重视,但疗效仍存在一定争议。多数研究者认为糖皮质激素可减少重症肺炎的并发症、降低死亡率,缩短病程,并且没有发现严重不良反应。然而也有研究结果不支持这一结论。不过,对于存在肾上腺皮质功能不全的肺炎患者,中低剂量糖皮质激素可能是安全有效的。如何确定治疗适应证,如何选择适合的剂型、剂量和疗程需要进一步研究。 Community-acquired pneumonia(CAP) is a common clinical disease. Despite advance in antimicrobial therapy in the past decades, the mortality of severe community-acquired pneumonia hardly declined. Excessive inflammation as well as relative adrenocortical insufficiency may occur in patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia. Therefore, corticosteroids as adjuvant therapy are increasingly valued by the investigators but the therapeutic efficacy is still controversial. For severe pneumonia, most researchers believe that corticosteroids can reduce complications and mortality, shorten the course of the disease without serious side effects. However, some studies don't support this conclusion. Nevertheless, for pneumonia patient with adrenocortical insufficiency, an low to moderate doses of glucocorticoids may be efficacy and safety. Further investigations need to determine the therapeutic indications, appropriate formulations, dose and duration.
作者 李奕 黄怡
出处 《临床药物治疗杂志》 2012年第6期57-60,共4页 Clinical Medication Journal
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