文章根据现阶段对水质自动监测无线网络节点的相关功能要求,搭建了一个水质自动监测无线网络节点平台,可以满足不同的监测环境的监测需求,只需要更换相应的传感器.水质自动监测无线传感网络节点的核心模块由主控MCU MSP430和ZigBee通讯模块CC2530组成.
According to the functional requirements of wireless network node of water quality auto-monitoring at present,a wireless network node platform of water quality auto-monitoring was established,which can work in different water environment just by simply replacing the corresponding sensor.The core module of the node is MCU MSP430 and ZigBee communication module CC2530.
Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences