
《灿烂千阳》女性文化的解构分析 被引量:2

A Tentative Deconstruction of Female Culture in A Thousand Splendid Suns
摘要 旅美作家卡勒德.胡赛尼的小说《灿烂千阳》讲述了一位阿富汗女性的命运抗争历程,她不仅承受战争带来的困苦,更要忍受来自男权的压迫,她对命运的抗争诠释了解构主义对于男性/女性二元对立关系的解构。文章从主人公玛丽雅姆的生命历程及其对男权的抗争入手,以解构理论为视角,结合女性主义知识论,分析其对男性权力由崇拜到怀疑以致否定的发展过程,论述了模式化、固定化女性形象的颠覆和追求新地位、新命运的新阿富汗女性文化的产生。 A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hossini is about an Afghanistan female's life-long struggle against her "fated" misfortune. She suffers not only from warfare but from the suppression in a male's world. Her struggle makes a good annotation of how the binary antagonism :male/female is deconstructed with deconstruction. Based on the life story of the heroine Mariam and her fighting against the male chauvinism, and reading from the perspective of deeonstruction and feminism, this paper unfolds a transform of the heroine from worship of male power to suspect and even to complete denial, which helps the readers see the overturn of the set typical female image and upcoming of a new Afghanistan female culture which encourages female to pursue a more proper position and a better life.
作者 戴海英
出处 《闽江学院学报》 2012年第6期87-90,共4页 Journal of Minjiang University
关键词 解构主义 二元对立 男性 女性 女性文化 deconstrnction in literary criticism binary antagonism male/female female culture
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