
社交焦虑个体对正性面孔刺激的解释偏差 被引量:4

Interpretation Biases for Positive Facial Stimuli in Social Anxiety
摘要 本研究分别在短时(60ms)和长时(无时间限制)条件下呈现匹配的正性和中性面孔,要求高、低社交焦虑被试选择更具威胁性的面孔,以验证两者对正性刺激是否存在主观解释偏差,并考察该偏差产生于认知加工的哪一阶段。结果发现,长时条件下,高焦虑组选择正性面孔的比例显著高于低焦虑组;短时条件下无显著差异。提示高社交焦虑个体对正性刺激存在主观、外显的解释偏差,他们更倾向于对正性刺激做出消极解释,并且这种偏差产生于认知加工的后期。 Previous research suggested that socially anxious individuals might form threatening interpretations of positive facial stimuli. However, some studies failed to provide empirical evidence of an interpretation bias toward positive faces. These studies may have several methodological limitations that the present study attempted to overcome. And none of them assessed the interpretations bias, if existent, over time. The present study tried to figure out whether the socially anxious individuals were characterized by an interpretation bias towards positive facial stimuli, and investigated whether this interpretation bias tends to occur at an early stage in the interpretation process of positive stimuli, or it occurs at a later stage. The current study consisted of a 2 ( stimulus duration type) × 2 ( group type) mixed factorial design. The within-subjects factor of duration type had two levels (long vs. brief durations), and the between-subjects factor of group type had two levels (high vs. low social anxiety groups). Before the experiment, the participants first finished a package of questionnaires (S1AS, SPS, BFNE). Then, they were told that they would conduct an impromptu speaking task after the experiment, and their performance would be assessed. The participants were made convinced that the experiment was about to test their social and presentation skills, After the experiment, no speaking task would be performed. They were debriefed and explained about the design. In the experiment, a positive face and a matched neutral face were presented on the screen at the same time for each trial. The participants, who scored high and low on the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, were instructed to imagine that these faces represented the audience in their coming speaking task, and they were asked to identify the facial displays that they subjectively perceived to be more threatening. The matched positive and neutral facial displays were presented at both long (unlimited) and brief (60ms) stimul
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1294-1297,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31170991) 国家基础科学人才培养基金项目(J1103602)的资助
关键词 社交焦虑 正性刺激 面孔 解释偏差 social anxiety, positive stimuli, faces, interpretation bias
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