用超临界流体萃取 (SFE)及GC MS分析了新冷冻干燥及保存 1 5d ,30d ,45d ,60d ,75d ,90d后的鲜牡蛎粉中的 2 3种脂肪酸组分的质量分数。发现在存放过程中牡蛎脂肪酸的稳定性与其不饱和度有关 ;不饱和度越高 ,脂肪酸越易被氧化 ,其中多不饱和脂肪酸的氧化是逐渐进行的 ,没有特定的稳定期。放置 90d后 ,牡蛎脂肪酸中脑黄金EPA的质量分数由原来的 1 6 94%降至 5 43% ,DHA由 9 2 5%降至 2 86%。
The contents of twenty three kinds of fatty acids in the lyophilized oyster that stored for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 days were studied Oyster fat was extracted from the powder by means of SFE The extraction was performed for 40 min at a pressure of 37 MPa and a temperature of 50 ℃ with supercritical carbon dioxide containing 8% (V/V) ethanol at a flow rate of 2 mL/min as liquid carbon dioxide, and the recovery of oyster fat by extraction was over 99% After being extracted, fat was esterified with potassium hydroxide and methanol Methyl esters of fatty acid were separated and determined by 30 m×0 25 mm i.d.×0 25 μm HP INNOWax capillary column and MS detector The injector temperature was 220 ℃ The column temperature was programmed from 150 ℃(1 min) to 200 ℃ at 10 ℃/min and then from 200 ℃ to 250 ℃ at 2 ℃/min Twenty three peaks were identified with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and quantified with area normalization method The variations of contents of them were shown During storage, the contents of saturated fatty acids and mono unsaturated fatty acids were getting higher, and those of polyunsaturated fatty acids were getting lower The decrease of them was gradual, and there was no special period of stability And the stability of fatty acids in oyster related to the degree of unsaturation of them The higher the unsaturation the lower the stable it was After being stored for 90 days, the content of EPA decreased from 16 94% to 5 43% and that of DHA from 9 25% to 2 86%.
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
supercritical fluid extraction
gas chromatography mass spectrometry
fatty acid
polyunsaturated fatty acid