
水旱利用方式对白浆土黏土矿物演化的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Land-use Patterns on Evolution of Clay Mineral in Acidity Baijiang Soils
摘要 黏土矿物是土壤中重要的组成部分,相对于其他无机矿物,性质较为活波,易受土地利用方式的影响。为了揭示利用方式对白浆土黏粒矿物组成的影响,通过对水旱利用方式下的白浆土进行了土壤理化特性及黏土矿物组成分析;结果表明:白浆土在水田利用方式下,发生强烈的脱钾过程,进而导致土壤pH值降低,土壤黏土矿物演化也随着利用年限的增加而增加,白浆土黏土矿物的演变过程为:云母类矿物→伊利石→S/I混层矿物→蛭石→高岭石,其理化性质则有较显著的改善,如土壤pH值,更适应水稻的生长;有效钾和有机质质量分数均得到提高,较大程度的改良土壤,未抑制土壤的酸化。而白浆土旱田利用,白浆土转向物理风化,有机质积累相比水田低,但因其旱田施氮肥缘故,碱解氮积累较多,土壤酸化有所抑制。因此对酸性白浆土的利用,应以水旱利用相结合进行,不仅可交换利用当地水汽资源,还能有效地利用匮乏的水资源,充分改良白浆土,抑制土壤过分酸化。 The objective of this study was to provide principal evidence fur improving and using acidity baijiang soil. The physical and chemical properties and clay mineral composition of the acidity baijiang soil were analyzed under both paddy fields and dry farmland in order to reveal the effect of land use patterns on clay fractions. Results showed that, in the paddy fields, a strong off potassium in the acidity baijiang soil took place, which ted to lower soil pH. Soil clay mineral evolved with increasing duration of use. The evolution process of clay minerals in the acidity baijiang soil was from mica to illite, S/! mixed-layer minerals, vermiculite, and then to kaolinite, and its physical and chemical properties were significantly improved, such as soil pH, which was more suitable to the growth of rice. Contents of available potassium and organic matter were improved, which resuhed in soil amelioration, but did not inhibit the acidification of soil. However, physical weathering of the acidity baijiang soil took place in dry farmland, and the organic matter accumulation was lower compared with the paddy fields. Soil acidification was inhibited by more accumulation of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen because of nitrogen fertilizer application. It is suggested that acidity baijiang soil could be improved by combining flood with drought for land use, which not only can exchange the use of local water resources, but also can effectively use scarce water resources, fully improve baijiang soil and inhibit excessive acidification of soil.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期137-141,共5页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 内蒙古教育厅高校科研基金(NJZY11015) 内蒙古民族大学博士启动资金(BS262) 内蒙古民族大学科研创新团队建设计划项目(NMD10-03) 国家沃土工程(2006BAD25B05) 粮食丰产工程(2006BAD02A10)项目 "863"项目(2006AA10A309) 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目(200903001)资助
关键词 水田 利用方式 黏土矿物 演化 Paddy fields Land use patterns Soil clay minerals Evolution
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