真实人物和虚构角色的实质性人格特征的商品化已从辅助性行为演化成为重要的独立的收益来源。我国现有法律保护形式对此的适用和保护范围尚无定论。本文对角色商品化及角色商品化权相关问题进行分析 ,讨论我国既有法律保护在调整角色商品化权方面的不足和局限。
The merchandising of the essential personality features of a real person and of a fictional character has rapidly evolved from a subordinate activity into an important independent source of earning. In China, the availability and extents of existing forms of legal protections have not yet reached public recognition. This thesis discusses the problems on character merchandising and on the rights attached to these characters and it also analyses the lacks and limitations of different forms of legal protections on the rights.
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