当前Web GIS的发展已经日趋成熟,各种Web GIS的应用也正层出不穷,基于标准的服务架构是这个GIS发展阶段的一个重要特征。在开发的过程中可以使用ArcGIS Server的ADF或者Rest API等许多方法来实现,最后按照一定的标准发布为服务,从而使这些功能变得更加通用,这样可以从整个ArcGIS Server出发来探讨GIS与Web开发中的问题,本文中将在ArcGIS Server体系框架下讨论几个具体功能的实现问题。
Standards-based service architecture is an important feature of this stage of development.In the development process,we can use ADF or Rest API,and then release it as a universal service.In this way,we can discuss the development issues in the framework of the ArcGIS Server.in this article,we will discuss the implementation of several specific issues under the framework of the ArcGIS Server.
Beijing Surveying and Mapping