水上供水厂是建在船上的水厂 ,它集取水、制水及加压为一体 ,具有布置紧凑 ,移动灵活 ,少占地等优点。特别适用于向大、中型水利水电工程及用地较紧张地区提供生产和生活用水。专为三峡工程施工供水设计和制造的水上水厂船 ,其供水能力为 9万t/d ,船的型长 82m ,型宽 2 2m ,型深 3.8m ,是目前我国规模最大的一艘水上水厂船。三峡施工期的供水特点是 :水量大 ,时、日、月及年的变化系数大 ,供水可靠性要求高。为了确保三峡水厂船保质、保量供水 ,对已建的水上水厂船进行了考察。在设计中 ,既吸取了已有的经验 ,又针对已建水上水厂的不足之处 ,从工艺流程形式、变配电方式及自动控制、安全防护设施等 3方面进行了改进 ,使各项指标均达到了设计指标要求 ,满足了施工用水。
A water supply ship includes the complete facilities required by a waterworks, i.e. the water intake system, the raw water treatment device, and the pressurizer, having the advantages of compact arrangement, easy moving, and less occupation of land. Such a ship is very suitable to providing the large or medium scale hydro project and less utilizable land region with productive and domestic water. The water supply ship specially designed and manufactured for TGP construction is 82 m long, 22 m wide and 3.8 deep, with water supply capacity of 90 000 t/d, being the largest one at present in China. During TGP construction period, main problems of water supply are large and changeable water comsumption quantity, as well as high required reliability. In order to ensure the normal operation of the water supply ship, with quality and quantity guaranteed, investigation on existing water supply ships in China was made. Design scheme of TGP water supply ship draws the useful experiences from existing water supply ships and eliminates their shortcomings in technloogical chain, power transformation & distribution mode, automatic control, and safety protection, with all stipulated indexes meeting respective design requirements. This water supply ship has well operated for several years.
Yangtze River
waterworks ship
technological chain
water treatment technique
facility arrangement
research for improvement