通过描述TCP三次握手、TCP握手缺陷和IP欺骗,阐述SYN Flood攻击的基本原理。对比传统的SYN Flood攻击检测办法,提出牛顿均差插值检测法。介绍三种防御办法:修改系统配置和采用DDoS防火墙以及在边界路由设备上只允许合法源IP地址才能进入网络。
By describing TCP three-way handshake, TCP handshake defects and IP spoofing, it elaborates the basic principle of SYN Flood attack. Comparing with the traditional SYN Flood attack de- tection method, presents Newton mean difference interpolation assay. And introduces three de- fensive approaches: modifies the server's configuration, utilizes the DDoS firewall and only allow data packets with legitimate source IP address into network on the boundary routing device.
Modern Computer