
网络英语教材的优势及其在教学中的实现——兼谈《英语(新目标)》网络教材的特点和使用 被引量:6

Potential Advantages of Web-based English Textbooks and Their Application:——Taking Go For It as An Example
摘要 信息技术辅助外语教学一直是外语教学研究和实践领域的重要课题,网络教材开发和运用给英语教学提供了便捷而功能强大的新工具,它具有内容多元化、呈现集成化、学习语境化、过程互动化的特点。教师在使用网络教学时,应遵循目的性原则、适切性原则、主体性原则、指导性原则。 Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) has always been a hot issue in FLT research. The increased popularity of web-hased textbooks, especially online English textbooks, provide English learners and teachers with new forms of learning the language in a very convenient and easily accessible format, which are characterised by content diversity, material integrity, interface friendliness, learning the language in a simulated context, and interactive learning. Then, four fundamental principles are proposed for both teachers and learners in the course of using web-based textbooks, namely, focus on language teaching aims, appropriateness of contents, teachers independence, learners instruction.
作者 曲秀芬 陈力
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期24-28,共5页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
关键词 计算机辅助教学(CALL) 英语教学 网络教材 《英语(新目标)》 CALL ELT web-based English textbooks Go For It
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