目的探讨彩色多普勒对头晕患者行椎动脉检测的结果及诊断价值 .方法运用二维图和彩色多普勒超声对 172例头晕患者进行椎动脉血管、血流频谱分析 ,并与 30例正常组比较 .结果 (1)椎动脉硬化致供血不足93例 (5 4 6 5 % ) ;(2 )颈椎病致椎动脉狭窄 ,血流动力学未改变组 5 0例 (2 9 0 6 % ) ;(3)植物神经功能紊乱致血供紊乱 15例 (8 72 % ) ;(4)血流动力学未改变组 14例 (8 14% ) .结果表明流速、平均流速、血流量对椎动脉疾病诊断有帮助 ,而阻力指数、搏动指数对鉴别方面作用不大 .结论结合临床 ,彩色多普勒的椎动脉检查对头晕患者病因的鉴别诊断有相当的价值 .
Objective To study on results that vertigo patients'vertebral artery which had been measured by color doppler.Methods Using two-dimensional image and color doppler ultrasound to study blood flow image of vertebral artery in 172 of vertigo cases,we compared them with 30 normal persons. Results (1) vertebrall arteriosclosis led to blood deficiency 93 cases(54.65%);(2) 50 cases cervicalvertebral disease led to vertebralis narrow;(3) 15 cases(8.72%) neurosis led to disorder of blood(4) 14 cases (8.14%) normal.The results showed Peak systolic velocity[Vmax(cm/s)]、Peak end-diastolic [Vmin(cm/s)] and blood flow volume [Flow(ml/m)] were different from those the normal,but resistance index(RI) and pulsatility index(PI) were same as the normal.Conclusions based on the two dimensional image of the vertigo patients' vertakial artery and blood image changes,color doppler makes diagnosis accordingly.
Journal of Modern Clinical Medical Bioengineering