目的探讨胸部外伤后发生急性呼吸衰竭的因素,以及防治方法。方法通过对我院2005年9月至2011年9月期间,胸外科收治胸部外伤并急性呼吸衰竭(ARDS)67例患者发生的原因、治疗方法等因素的分析,讨论如何防治胸部外伤后ARDS的发生,提高胸部外伤的治愈率,减少患者的死亡率。结果 67例患者中,61例患者是由于胸部外伤本身所致连枷胸、肺广泛挫裂伤、血气胸、休克等严重损失并发ARDS,6例是由于不正确胸部外固定、未有效排痰、输液过多等医源性因素所致,60例治愈,7例死亡。结论胸部外伤的严重程度是并发ARDS的最重要因素,正确、及时的治疗方法,能减少或避免ARDS的发生。
Objective To investigate factors leading to acute respiratory failure after thoracic trauma, and its prevention and management. Method We retrospectively collected 67 patients with thoracic trauma complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) between September 2005 and September 2011 from the inpatient department. The etiological causes and methods of management were analyzed to investigate how to prevent and treat ARDS after thoracic trauma, hence improving cure rate and decreasing mortality rate. Results In 61 cases of total 67 patients, thoracic trauma caused severe injuries such as flail chest, extensive pulmonary contusion, hemopneumothorax, shock, and then complicated by ARDS. In 6 cases, iatrogenic factors, such as incorrect external fixation, ineffective sputum expectoration and excessive infusion, caused ARDS. Totally, 60 cases were cured, and 7 cases died. Conclusions Severity of thoracic trauma is the most important factor in patients complicated by ARDS, and correct, timely methods of management could decrease or avoid ARDS.
World Notes on Antibiotics