目的 :了解《中医杂志》从 1980年至 1998年间临床治疗试验论文中的随机对照试验 (RCT) ,并向中国Cochrane中心输送基线资料。方法 :逐页手工检索《中医杂志》 1980— 1998年中发表的临床治疗性研究的对照试验 ,根据“Cochrane协作网手册 1997”对RCT和临床对照试验 (CCT)的定义严格鉴定RCT和CCT。结果 :在19卷 2 10期中共刊登临床试验论文 3794篇 ,其中 36 6篇为RCT (9 6 % ) ,在RCT中 ,盲法 2 2篇 (占RCT的6 0 % )。RCT呈逐年增加趋势 ,1990年以后显著高于 1990年以前 ,尤以 1995年以后为甚 (P <0 0 0 1)。结论 :《中医杂志》刊登的临床试验论文的质量随着流行病学知识的普及有明显提高 ,但存在的问题仍较多。临床试验设计应当多采用RCT和盲法 。
WT5”BZ]Objedctive:To realize the quality of the ethics of the randomized controlled trials in Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 1980 to 1998 and offer the basic information to China Cochrane center.Methods:It was checked over page by page the control trials of clinical therapeutic studies in Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 1980 to 1998 to identify strictly randomized control tests(RCT) and controlled clinical tests(CCT)according to the criteria of the handbook of Cochrane couaboration in 1997.Result:A total of 3794 articless on clinical trials were published in 210 issues covered 19 volumes of the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine among them,there were 366 issues of RCT(9 6%),and 22 issues were in the group of blind trials (6 0%).The quantity of RCT were increasing year by year.It increased significantly after 1990,and especially after 1995,it became better than those before 1990( P <0 001).Conclusion:The quality of the design of the clinical studies in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine has improved significantly with the popularizing of epidemiology But there still exist many problems and urge the clinical workers to adopt RCT and blind trial as more as possible and guarantee RCTs to be precise as it demands [WT5”HZ]
West China Medical Journal
Randomized Controlled Trials
Traditional Chinese Medicine