目的 :通过了解现有临床医师行医模式 ,知识更新方法及循证医学 (EvidenceBasedMedicine ,EMB)知识知晓度 ,为进一步推广循证医学发现问题 ,寻找解决方法。方法 :问卷现况调查。抽查 141名二级以上医院的各科临床医生作为研究对象 ,回答 18个有关临床处理问题的程序和方法 ,知识更新途径 ,对EBM了解和认识 ,临床研究情况等 18个问题。结果 :发现临床实践中 82 %的医生是按传统医学模式行医 (完全根据个人经验和专业知识 ) ;虽然约 6 5 %的人听说过循证医学 ,但对其具体思想 ,目的和方法所知甚少 ;绝大多数 (85 % )医生对什么是可靠的、科学的临床证据感到茫然 ,更谈不上如何寻找真实可信的证据用于自己的患者 ;知识获取及更新主要来自阅读综述、专著、零星文献报道和听取讲座。结论 :我国医生在临床实践中的观念还停留在传统医学模式 ,加强循证医学的宣传力度和提供必要的服务和帮助 ,使其更多的医生易于获得科学证据用于临床实践 ,才能促进我国临床医学的发展。
WT5”BZ]Objectives:To investigate the awareness and application of Evidence Based Medicine in the clinical practice of Chengdu.Method:One hundred and forty-one doctors of hospitals above second class in Chengdu were asked using the questionnaires,which included 18 related questions.Results:It showed that most Chinese doctors(82%)considered the personal experiences and specialized knowledge were important in clinical practice,paid less attention to the evidence of the medicine.This idea also reflected in their dealing with their patints routinely,compiling textbooks and research works.Eighty-five percents of the doctors did not know what was the scientific evidences,how to get them and use them.One of the problems is that it is difficult to accessible the MEDLINE,journals of the medicine and Cochanre library.Conclusin:The most Chinese doctors are still holding on the traditional medical practice.China is now facing the arduous task of disseminating the knowledge of EBM in order to change this situations. [WT5”HZ]
West China Medical Journal
Evidence Based Medicine
Awareness Apply