目的:分析试点期间相关免疫检验项目利用情况,为上海市在社区卫生服务中心推广定量免疫检验技术提供依据。方法:运用VIDAS全自动荧光免疫分析系统在社区卫生服务中心试点开展甲状腺激素、肿瘤标记物、肝炎、绒毛膜促性腺激素和心血管相关免疫检测项目。分析试点项目利用状况、检验结果和使用满意度。结果:试点共开展4 450次免疫检测,癌胚抗原和甲种胎儿球蛋白检测次数最多,甲状腺激素和其他肿瘤标记物的检测次数也较多。社区卫生技术人员对试点项目总体评价较好,临床医生的满意度高于检验科人员。结论:社区患者对肿瘤标记物免疫检测的需求较大,在社区开展甲状腺激素免疫检测有助于慢性病管理,部分检测项目在市郊社区中有潜在需求。试点免疫检验项目总体效果良好。
Objective: To analyze the utilization of quantitative immunoassay tests in a pilot project in community health centers(CHCs) of Shanghai and provide evidence for the promotion of quantitative immunoassay tests in CHCs.Methods: The VIDAS Automatic Fluorescence Immunoassay System was used.CHCs in the pilot project provided immunoassay tests of thyroid hormone,tumor markers,hepatitis,HCG,and cardiovascular markers.The test utilization,test results,and the satisfaction of health professionals in CHCs were analyzed.Results: The total number of immunoassay tests provided in the pilot project was 4 450.Carcinoembryonicantigen(CEA) and alpha fetoprotein(AFP)ranked the top two.Tests of thyroid hormone and other tumor markers were also utilized frequently.Health professionals in CHCs were generally satisfied with the immunoassay tests in the pilot project.The clinicians were more satisfied than the laboratory technicians.Conclusion: The demand of immunoassay tests on tumor markers was relatively high in community residents.Utilization of immunoassay tests on thyroid hormone could assist the management of chronic non-communicable diseases in communities.Some of the pilot tests had potential customers in rural CHCs.The immunoassay tests in the pilot project had good effects.
Chinese Health Resources
Community health services