
“经目”释论——以经学史为论域 被引量:4

On the Interpretation of Jing Mu
摘要 本文在经学史论域内首次提出"经目"这一概念。所谓"经目",主要是指西汉以下各朝对官学中所尊儒家"经书"的范围做出的限定,以及在官方影响下学者照此模式提出的对于儒家经典范围的个人或群体性看法。由于"经目"这一概念此前未被提出,学术界对于作为经目的"四书五经"、"十三经"与仅仅是一般经书合称的"开成十二经"等说法之间的实质性差异区分不清;对于两汉各种"五经"说、南宋"六经"制、宋元"十四经"说的经学史意义、"十三经"的形成过程等问题的研究亦显不足,由此更带来对经学史整体演进的一些误判。而欲彻底厘清这些问题,则必须明确提出"经目"这一概念,并界定其内涵与外延。在对"经目"这一概念存在的必要性进行论证的基础上,本文还对经目的基本特征、经目与经学史之间的关系等理论性的问题进行了探讨。 This paper puts forward a concept called Jing Mu ( 经目) in the research of the history of Confucian classics. From the West-Han Dynasty, the government in each dynasty restricted the range of Confucian classics revered in its official schools. Accordingly, the governments in various dynasties specified the lists of required reading of Confucian classics time and again. The specified catalogs of required reading of Confucian classics were exactly what is called Jing Mu in this paper. With the passage of time, such Jing Mu series as the Nine Classics, the Six Classics, and the Four Books and Five Classics, appeared in succession. Besides, under the influence of the authoritative Jing Mu, some scholars followed this model and put forward their own opinions about the range of Confucian classics. Thus, a number of unofficial catalogs came along, including the Fourteen Classics, the Twenty-One Classics, etc. In short, the word Jing Mu in this paper suggests various definitions of the range of Confucian classics in different dynasties. As the core and the main part of the history of Confucian classics, Jing Mu ought to be in the leading position in the study of Confucian classics. However, although Jing Mu was a proposition of great importance, it was overlooked for a long time. Thus, this paper focuses on the essentiality and the rationality of this concept, and it also deals with the characteristics of Jing Mu, and with the relationship between Jing Mu and the history of Confucian classics.
作者 程苏东
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期41-48,共8页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 经目 经学史 四书五经 十三经 Jing Mu ( 经目 ), history of Confucian classics, the Four Books and the Five Classics, theThirteen Classics
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