The international community has formed a comprehensive system for sanctions against the Iranian energy sector, which is led by the US and supported by the EU and other pro-US countries. Its core purpose is to attack the oil industry on which Iran relies for its survival and to compel Iran to give up the plan to obtain nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. So far, 13 companies have been sanctioned by the US for their commercial activities in the Iranian energy sector, and a great number of international oil companies have withdrawn from Iran. Chinese oil companies are facing serious challenges: the possibility of being sanctioned, increased operating costs as a result of sanctions, and the impact on their business in North America. It should also be noted that Chinese oil companies are afforded with tremendous opportunities in the Iranian energy market: 1) The US will not directly impose sanctions against Chinese oil companies without careful consideration; 2) The departure of EU and US oil companies leaves the Iranian energy market in a vacuum; 3) Iran may implement more preferential financial and tax policies to attract investment; 4) The United Nations is unlikely to pass a resolution on sanctions against the Iranian energy sector. In the current situation, Chinese oil companies shall safeguard their energy interests in Iran from the standpoint of maintaining China’s energy security, pursue flexible coping strategies to evade risks and grasp opportunities.
International Petroleum Economics