长白山天池火山地球物理探测结果显示,天池火山口附近8—10 km深度下存在与高温物质或岩浆囊有关的低速结构。根据这一结果,利用Mogi模型对该深度岩浆囊变形产生的地表形变敏感区进行计算,结果表明,垂直变形敏感区主要集中在火山口周缘,水平变形敏感区位于距火山口中心5.6—7 km处,这一结果对建立长白山天池火山GNSS监测网具有参考意义。
According to the results of geophysical detecting on Changbaishan volcno region, there is low velocity structure related with high temperature substance or magma chamber at the depth 8-10 km under the ground. We computed the sensitivity region of ground deformation in Changbaishan volcano using elastic theory sphere sorce model developed by Mogi in 1985, and found the sensitivity region is 5.6--7 km apart from the crater. This conclusion will provide evidence to set the Changbaishan volcno GNSS net.
Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research