

Research on FDTD of Slow Light Waveguide of One-dimension Photonic Crystal
摘要 设计了一种新型一维光子晶体慢光波导结构。在常规波导一侧进行了特殊的设计,使波导具有周期性结构,从而具有特殊的色散关系,获得慢光效应。基于麦克斯韦方程利用平面波展开法对光子晶体慢光波导的色散关系进行了分析,获得了波导模以及相应的慢光频率。并利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)对脉冲在波导的传播进行了时域上的模拟,对慢光效应进行验证。 A new slow light waveguide structure of one-dimension photonic crystal is designed. Special de- sign is performed on one side of common waveguide in order to have periodic structure. And special dispersion relationship is gained so as to obtain slow light effect. Based on Maxwell equation and Plane wave expansion (PWE) method, dispersion relationships of slow light waveguide of photonic crystal are analyzed. Waveguide mode and relative slow light frequency are obtained. And Finite-differential time-domain (FDTD) method is used to simulate pulses transmission in waveguide and the effect of slow light is demonstrated.
作者 刘良科
出处 《光电技术应用》 2012年第5期43-46,共4页 Electro-Optic Technology Application
关键词 光子晶体波导 慢光 时域有限差分法 photonic crystal waveguide slow light finite-difference method of time-domain
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