
不同干预措施在煤矿农民工预防艾滋病中的效果 被引量:6

Effect of Different Intervention Measures on AIDS Prevention in Coal Mine Labors
摘要 目的探讨在煤矿农民工艾滋病预防中不同干预措施的效果。方法 2009年7-12月,选取开滦矿业集团某煤矿农民工459人,在基线调查基础上分成3组,分别施加发放宣传品、专业讲座、同伴教育三种干预措施,连续干预6次,干预周期5个月。收集干预前后艾滋病相关知识、态度及危险性行为情况,比较三种干预措施的效果。结果专家讲座组的知识知晓率干预后提高到61.33%,明显高于宣传教育组的45.83%和同伴教育组的50.30%,后两组之间差异无统计学意义。艾滋病相关态度及意识比较,干预后专业讲座组有1个问题正答率较宣传品发放组有所提高,有2个问题正答率较同伴教育组有所提高;而同伴教育组与宣传品发放组差异无统计学意义。艾滋病相关危险行为比较发现,三组在干预前后寻找CSW(女性性工作者)的人数差异无统计学意义,但从安全套使用率比较来看,专业讲座组及同伴教育组干预后有所提高,差异有统计学意义;宣传品发放组干预前后差异无统计学意义。结论三种干预措施从干预效果角度来看,专家讲座组最好、同伴教育次之、发放宣传品组最差。 Objective To explore the effect of different intervention measures on preventing AIDS among coal mine la-bors. Methods Totally 459 coal mine labors were selected from a mine of Tangshan Kailuan Group from July to December, 2009. All miners were divided into three groups based on the baseline survey, and three intervention measures were carried out respectively, including distribution of propaganda printed material, special lectures and peer education. According to Hermann Ebbinghaus's remembering regular, six times of intervention were carried out, with a 5 -month intervention period. The infor- mation about AIDS- related knowledge, attitudes and risky sexual behaviors was collected to compare the effectiveness of three intervention measures. Results After the intervention, the awareness rate of AIDS- related knowledge in special lecturesgroup increased to 61.33%, which was significantly higher than those of propaganda printed material group (45.83%) and peer education group (50.30%). No statistically significant difference was found between propaganda printed material group and peer education group. As for AIDS- related attitudes and awareness after the intervention, the one - question correct answer rate of special lectures group was increased as compared with propaganda printed material group, moreover, the two-question correctanswer rate of special lectures group was also increased as compared with peer education group. But no statistically significant dif- ference was found between peer education group and propaganda printed material group. As for the risky sexual behaviors before and after the intervention, the number of seeking CSW among the three groups showed no statistically significant difference. But the rates of condom use in special lectures group and peer education group were both increased after the intervention, and the dif- ference was statistically significant. There was no statistically significant difference in the condom use rate of propaganda printed material group between before
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2012年第11期1738-1739,1744,共3页 Practical Preventive Medicine
基金 第三轮中国全球基金艾滋病项目应用性研究基金资助(基金编号2006-YY-7)
关键词 艾滋病 煤矿 农民工 干预措施 效果评价 AIDS Coal mine Peasant workers Intervention measures Effect evaluation
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