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4Robert Kubey,Introduction In Robert Kubey(ed).Media Literacy in the Information Age,Transaction Publishers,1997,p.7. 被引量:1
5Barrty Duncan,Media Literacy at the Crossroad:Some Issues,Probes and Questions,In the History and Social Science Teacher,vol,24,No.4,Summer,1989,p.208. 被引量:1
6David Buckingham,Medai Education in the UK:Moving Beyond Protectionims,In Journal of Communication,Winter 1998,pp.33-43. 被引量:1
7Renee Hobbs,Expanding the Concept of Literacy,In Robert Kubey,(ed) Media Literacy in the Information Age,p.180. 被引量:1
8Joshua Meyrowitz,Multiple Media Literacy ,In Journal of Communication,Winter 1998,P.106. 被引量:1
9Len Masterman,A Rationale for Media Education,In Robert Kubey (ed).Media Literacy in the Information Age,p.47-48. 被引量:1
10Justin Lewis & Sut Jbally,The Struggle over Media Literacy,In Journal of Communication,Winter 1998,p.109-112. 被引量:1