
我国当代大学生政治效能感的现实考量——基于2011年全国大学生政治效能感状况的数据调查 被引量:5

Current Evaluation on Improving College Students' Contemporary Political Efficacy in China——Data Based on the Survey of 2011 National College Students' Political Efficacy
摘要 政治效能感是指政治参与主体对自身的参与行为能够对政府和政治过程产生影响的能力感觉及对所能产生效果的主观判断和评估。大学生是国家政治经济建设中最具潜质的人力资源,增强大学生政治素养是维护国家长治久安的重要工作。据2011年全国不同类型、不同层次高校大学生的政治效能感调查状况显示,当代中国大学生政治效能感处于偏低水平。通过社会政治环境、家庭和学校教育环境、个体政治特征三个维度分析了大学生低政治效能感的成因。在此基础上,提出了积极拓展大学生政治参与渠道、解决政治信息不对称、强化教育培训和政治实践、大学生自觉加强主观塑造等对策建议。 Political efficacy refers to a subjective judgment and an evaluation of political participants on their own participation behavior impact and whether can they produce the effect on the political process or not. Therefore, promoting political efficacy is not only an important way to solve the above problems, but also an effective way to optimize college student in political participation. College students are the most po- tential human resources in the national construction. And improving college students' political quality is an important work of the state stability. In 2011, we have conducted a survey on the college students' po litical efficacy within different colleges among the country, which found that nowadays Chinese college students' political efficacy at a low level. Based on this, we put forward the basic countermeasures of promoting college students' political selfeffieaey: actively expand the college students' political participation channels: resolve political information asymmetry strengthening students' education training and political practice to improve their political participation skills and experience: and let college students consciously learn to eonsolidate and deepen political efficacy training effect.
出处 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期15-21,共7页 Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition
基金 河北省社会科学发展研究课题:当代我国大学生理性政治参与问题研究(201003292) 保定市哲学社会科学规划重点课题:优化当代大学生政治参与机制的理论与实践研究 华北电力大学思想政治理论课专项经费课题:我国当代大学生政治参与存在的问题与对策研究 华北电力大学2011年度国家级创新性实验计划项目:大学生政治效能感的培养机制研究(20112142)
关键词 大学生 政治参与 政治效能感 college student political participation political efficacy
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