

An Assessment of Truman's Economic Aid Policy in Latin America
摘要 二战结束后,杜鲁门总统上台执政,开始了美国历史上首次大规模的对外经济援助。1947年实行"马歇尔计划",对西欧国家进行重建援助,1949年出台"第四点计划"对发展中国家进行发展援助。但是对于后院拉美国家,杜鲁门政府却背弃了战时罗斯福总统经济援助的承诺,推行"克莱顿计划",以自由贸易、自由企业、自由投资为主,辅之少量的经济援助。但是,美国对拉美国家并不是一概论之。其中,墨西哥得到了相当数量的经济援助,这有别于其他拉美国家。杜鲁门时期的拉美经济援助政策,基于冷战大格局下美国对拉美的战略定位,服务于美国国家经济利益,奠定了冷战时期美国对拉美经济政策的基调。 After World War II,President Truman came to power and began the first large-scale economic assistance in the history of the United States. Marshall Plan to Western Europe in 1947, Point Four Program to the developing countries in 1949 are typical examples. But for backyard countries of Latin America, the Truman administration turned back President Franklin D. Rooseveh's commitment of economic assistance af- ter World War ]I , and replaced it with the Clayton Plan, mainly relying on free trade, free enterprise, free in- vestment,complemented by a small amount of economic assistance. However, Mexico was a special case, which had got considerable amount of economic assistance. Truman' s economic aid policy in Latin America was based on the Cold War strategy, serving the U. S. national economic interests, and set the tone of the U. S. economic policy on Latin America during the Cold War.
作者 徐文丽
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2012年第4期57-62,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
关键词 美国 拉丁美洲 经济援助 冷战 United States Latin America economic aid the Cold War
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