实验结果表明 ,在相同钒含量的情况下 ,0 .1 2 %V钢中增加约 1 0 0× 1 0 -6 的氮使钢的屈服强度 (σS)和抗张强度 (σb)分别提高 1 1 7.5MPa和 1 35MPa。钢中增氮后 ,改变了钒在钢中的分布 ,促进了细小V(C ,N)的析出 ,显著提高了钢的强度。因利用了廉价的氮元素 ,对σS 为 40 0MPa的Ⅲ级钢筋可节约钒 33.3%以上。
The experimental results indicated that with increased 100ppm nitrogen in 0.012%V rebar steel, the tensile and yield strength of the steel increased by 135 MPa and 117.5 MPa respectively. With introducing nitrogen in the steel, it is available to improve the distribution of vanadium in steel and promote the precipitation of fine V(C,N) particles. Owing to making fully use cheap nitrogen element, the saving of vanadium content is more than 33.3% for III Grade rebar steel with min yield strength of 400 MPa.
Special Steel