Basing on the daily precipitation data of 80 meteorological stations during 1961 and 2010 in Guangxi, using such methods as linear-trend estimate and Mann-Kendall (M-K) mutation test, the temporal and spatial variation tendency and its differences of five main extreme precipitation indices were analyzed. It shows that: 1 ) the threshold, proportion and intensity of heavy precipitation of all (most, some) stations in Guangxi have a significant increasing(increasing, greatly increasing) trend. 2) The variation tendency (annual variation) of heavy precipitation days and the maximum 5-day precipitation of Guangxi and that of all stations all have no significant (significant) changes.3) The threshold, proportion and daily intensity of heavy precipitation of Guangxi mutate in the early of 1990s, except heavy precipitation days and the maximum 5-day precipitation.
Journal of Meteorological Research and Application