文中给出了一种用于估算 1.0 6 μm激光半主动制导兵器导引头最大捕获距离的简单实用的模型 ,此模型由激光的大气环境传输子模型、目标子模型和目标获取子模型组成 ,将 1.0 6 μm激光复杂的大气传输特性做了现象化、简单化和解释化的处理 ,指出影响传输特性和捕获距离的重要因素是大气中的气溶胶含量 ,而气溶胶含量对激光的衰减作用依赖于它的颗粒大小的分布和浓度 ,同时也考虑了降雨和降雪量对激光传输衰减系数的影响。在目标子模型里将目标描述为一漫反射的球体来模拟坦克炮塔。本模型可用于激光半主动制导兵器目标捕获距离的计算机仿真计算 ,将此模型的计算结果与MICOM的激光末制导炮弹导引头捕获距离的试验结果相比较 。
In this paper, an easily useable model for predicting maximum captive range for the seeker of 1.06 micron SALGW is presented, the model consists of the sub\|model of atmospheric environment, the sub\|model of target and the sub\|model of captive target. The effects of the atmosphere on 1.06 micron laser transmission are treated phenomenological, where possible in the interest of economy and interpretability. The most important factor limiting transmittance and maximum captive range in a precipitation free environment is the aerosol content of the atmosphere, aerosol effects depend on both the aerosol concentration and aerosel particle size distribution, and also the effects of rainfall and snowfall are included. The target is modeled as a diffusely reflecting hemisphere, for example, the turret of a tank. The model provides a target acquisition algorithm that could be incorporated into computer flight simulations of semi\|active laser\|guided weapons, and has been compared to the acquisition ranges obtained in captive flight tests of CLGP seeker performed at MICOM. It is found that the model is effective.
Infrared and Laser Engineering
Semi\|active laser\|guidance (SALG)
Cannon\|launched guided projectile (CLGP)
1.06μm laser
Atmospheric transmission
Target reflection
Target acquisition