1H. Schulz,,“High-Speed Machining”, Annals of CIPR,1992,412: 637-643. 被引量:1
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3J. M. Vieira, A. R. Machado and E. O. Ezugwu,“Performance of Cutting Fluids during Face Milling ofSteels”,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2001,166: 244-251. 被引量:1
4O. Cakir,M. Kiyak,E. Altan, “Comparison of GasesApplications to Wet and Dry Cutting in Turning”,Journal ofMaterials Processing Technology, 2004, 153-154: 35-41. 被引量:1
5J. Wang, “The Effect of Multi-Layer Surface Coatingof Carbide Inserts on the Cutting Forces in TurningOperations”,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2000, 97: 114-119. 被引量:1
1H Schulz.High-Speed Machining[J].Annals of CIPR,1992,412:637-643. 被引量:1
2H Schulz.The history of high-speed machining[J].Recistade Ciencia Tecnology,1999:9-18. 被引量:1
3J M Vieira,A R Machado,E O Ezugwu.Performance of cutting fluids during face milling ofsteels[]J.Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2001,166:244-251. 被引量:1
4O Cakir,M Kiyak,E Altan.Comparison of gasesapplications to wet and dry cutting in turning[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2004,153-154:35-41. 被引量:1
5J Wang.The effect of multi-layer surface coatingof carbide inserts on the cutting forces in turning operations[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2000,97:114-119. 被引量:1