
基于县村两级的农资配送服务平台设计 被引量:1

Design on the Agricultural Material Delivering Service Platform Based on County and Village
摘要 农资连锁经营是一种日益发展壮大的新型农资配送模式,基于该模式设计实现了基于县村两级的农资配送服务平台。平台采用混合式信息交互架构,将Client/Server模式的功能和灵活性与基于浏览器的Browser/Server模式的易部署性和稳定性结合了起来,具有充分利用本地和网络资源、支持偶尔连接的用户、提供智能安装和更新的特征。此外,农资配送平台使用了中心模式的数据共享以达到异构数据的交换和同步;通过整合农业搜索引擎,实时抓取市场价格、供求等市场信息;通过导入各村镇地块的土壤信息和小麦玉米等农作物的施肥指标,为普通农民提供施肥配方建议,在配送农资产品的同时也配送了农民需要的农技信息和市场行情,指导农民安全科学地使用农资产品。 According to the agricultural material chain operation, which is a new type of agricultural material delivery model in development, designed and realized. an agricultural material delivering service platform based on two levels of country and village is The platform employs hybrid information communication architecture, combines the flexibility C/S model with the stability of B/S, and has the features of making the best of local and network resources, supporting the occasional connected users, providing smart install and update. Furthermore, platform uses the center mode of data sharing to realize the exchange and synchronism of heterogeneous data, integrates agricultural search engine to obtain the market information such as prices, supply and demand information. By importing the soil information of each village and the fertilization standard of plants, the platform gives farmer advices on fertilization. Through the platform, it can be a- chieved that delivery the agricultural materials while delivering the agriculture technology information and market informa- tion that farmers need, to guide them to user the materials scientifically and safely.
出处 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2012年第11期97-101,共5页 Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
基金 核高基重大专项(2010ZX01045-001-004) 国家自然科学基金项目(60871042 61102126) 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD21B02)
关键词 农资配送 手持移动终端 异构数据库 信息推送 agricultural material delivering handheld mobile terminal heterogeneous databases information push
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