目的探讨DTI不同参数对肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)的诊断价值。方法收集14例ALS患者作为病例组,以11名健康志愿者为对照组。采用3.0T MR仪行轴位DTI序列检查,探讨其不同参数对ALS的诊断价值。结果与对照组相比,病例组除中央后回皮质外所有ROI的分数各向异性(FA)、相对各向异性(RA)、各向异性指数(AI)值均减低(P均<0.01),中央后回皮质处FA值有减低趋势(P均<0.05)。与对照组相比,病例组放射冠处各指标变化幅度更明显。DTI有差异各指标的敏感度为60.71%~100%;半卵圆中心、放射冠和侧脑室旁白质处各指标敏感度均为100%。DTI有差异的各指标的特异度为55.00%~76.19%;内囊后肢处FA值、RA值、AI值的特异度分别为76.19%、72.73%及68.18%。结论 ALS患者中枢运动区及非运动区的FA值、RA值和AI值与健康人均有差别;ALS患者RA值和AI值改变较健康人更大,RA值更稳定。DTI序列多个指标对判断ALS运动神经元损伤均有较高敏感度和特异度,而不同部位ROI的敏感度和特异度不同。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of DTI indices for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods Fourteen patients with ALS (patient group) and 11 healthy volunteers (control group) were enrolled. All subjects un derwent axial DTI sequence examination on 3.0T MR system, and the diagnostic value of DTI indices for ALS were investi gated. Results Compared with control group, fractional anisotropy (FA), relative anisotropy (RA) and anisotropy index (AI) in all ROIs except postcentral gyrus decreased in patient group (P〈0.01). FA in postcentral gyrus showed decrea sing tendency (P〈0.05). Compared with control group, FA, RA and AI in patient group decreased more obviously in co rona radiata. The sensitivity of all DTI indices were 60.71 %-100%. All FA, RA and AI in centrum ovale, corona radiata and periventricular white matter showed sensitivity of 100%. The specificity of DTI indices were 55.00%'76.19%. The specificity of FA, RA and AI was 76.19%, 72.73%and 68.18% in posterior limb of internal capsule, respectively. Con clusion In both motor and extramotor regions, FA, RA and AI show differences in ALS patients than in normal controls. The changes of RA and AI are more obvious in DTI. RA is more stable than AI. Many indices of DTI show higher sensitiv- ity and specificity in ALS patients. The sensitivity and specificity are various in different ROIs.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Diffusion tensor imaging
Upper motor neuron
Quantitative measurement