
西南少数民族民众心理压力特点及其与社会比较的关系 被引量:3

On the Features of Psychological Stress and Its Relationship with Social Comparison Among Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China
摘要 采用问卷调查法对西南地区1 325名少数民族民众的心理压力特点及其与社会比较的关系进行研究.结果表明:①经济和社会环境问题造成的日常生活困扰是西南少数民族民众的首要压力来源,其日常生活、工作就业、负担管教压力较重,与民族相关的文化适应压力水平较低;②男性的文化适应压力高于女性;不同压力源对不同年龄段个体的影响存在差异,中壮年组的总体压力最高;受教育水平越高的少数民族民众的心理压力越小;中小城镇的少数民族民众的整体压力水平最低,农村组和民族聚居区的少数民族民众的压力最高.③不同社会比较类型的被试面对相同的心理压力源时,其压力认知评价存在差异. This study mainly explored the psychological stress and its relationship with social comparison among ethnic minorities in southwest China.A total of 1 325 subjects of ethnic minorities were surveyed with a questionnaire test.Their primary stressors were shown to be the economic problem and the social environment problem.The stress from their daily life,job or employment,and burden of children's education was comparatively high,and the acculturative stress related to their ethnic problems was low.Male ethnic minorities had higher acculturative stress than female ethnic minorities.Different stressors had different effects on ethnic minorities of different age,with the middle-aged experiencing the heaviest stress.Ethnic minorities with a better education tended to experience less psychological stress.Ethnic minorities in southwest China living in small-or medium-sized towns had the lowest stress and those living in the rural areas and ethnic communities had the highest stress.Confronted with similar psychological stress,the subjects of different types of social comparison had different scores on stress cognitive assessment.
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期150-156,共7页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目资助(05JJD880067) 贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长资金项目(黔省专合字(2010)22号)
关键词 西南少数民族民众 心理压力 压力源 社会比较 ethnic minorities in Southwest China psychological stress stressor social comparison
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