欧文·琼斯(Owen Jones 1807-1874)是英国设计史上一位重要人物,维多利亚时期设计教育、设计理论与实践的时代先锋;是设计思想家、教育家、建筑师、现代艺术设计的奠基人,折中主义思想的代表;1851年任"英国万国工业博览会"室内建筑设计总监。琼斯所处时代正是英国工业革命后设计被重视,装饰艺术从手工艺转型向规模化、标准化发展的变革时期,而该时期各种社会现象、各种问题、急功近利的消费设计、各种涌动的艺术思潮被学者们广泛争鸣。琼斯以其全球化的视野,东西文化艺术结合的创新思维和对设计原理的新思考。对当今中国转型发展都将提供有力借鉴,尤其对设计创新中国产业发展有重要的指导意义。
Owen Jones (1807-1874) is an important figure in the field of design in England, a pioneer of the education of design and the theory and practice of design in the Victoria age, a thinker, educator, architect, modern design founder and the representative of compromise thought, and also the interior architecture design director of the 1851 "Britain all the nations industrial fair". The age that Jones was in was the age right after the industrial revolution?when design is valued, the age when the decorative art transform from handicraft into a large-scale, standardized development stage, and also the age when all kinds of social phenomenon, all kinds of problems, get rich quick consumption design, all kinds of surging trend of art are widely spread among all schools of scholars.?Jones, with his vision of globalization, his creative thinking combining Eastern and Western culture and the new thinking of the design principle, provide the powerful reference In China's transformation development , especially for the design innovation in China.
Creation and Design