<Absrtact>Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) can ba prepared by either fractionation or chemical depoly-merization of commercial heparin. We prepared LMWH from low anticoagulant activity heparin (LAAH), a side product accompanying commercialhe-parin production, by depolymerization with nitrous acidcombined with gel chromatography·; Its anticoag-ulant、 activity,physical and chemical parameters were determined. The ntithrombotic activity was eva-luated by the formation of thrombus in common ca-rotid artery in experimental rat thrombus model. The results showed that the anticoagulant ac-tivity of LMWH obtained was 30.33 a/mg, the eve-rage molecular weight was 5200d. The content ofglucosamine, hexuronic acid and sulfate was lowerthan that of LAAH. This implied that certain struc-ture changes had occurred, however, the UY and IRspectra of LMWH suggested that its main structure remained intact.The antithrombotic action of LMWH was stron-ger than LAAH and commercial heparin and theaction was dose dependent.LMWH obtained from LAAH not only costs less. but also might have more favorable clinical potential.
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals