In this paper both the absolute and relahve contents of fixed NH+4 in soils ofsoil zones except the alpine and subalpine soil zones of China are presented, the NH+4fixation capacity and the availablity of fixed NH+4 of major soil groups are indicated.The origin of fixed NH+4, the factors affecting the content of fixed NH+4 and theablity for fixing NH+4 of soil, and the significance of NH+4 fixation and defixation inthe intemal cycle of soil N are disccussed. The content of flxed NH+4 in soils ofyellow brown soil zone, as a whole, is the highesL being 257 mg/kg, while that oflatosol zone is the lowesL being 48 mg/kg. On average about 15% of N to depth of20cm for the culhvated soils as a whole of China was eshmated to occur as fixedNH+4. Of the native fixed NH+4, dependent on both the Kind of parent material (rock)and the degree of weathering of the soil, from 3% to 20% can be utilized by planLThe NH+4 flxation capacity of soils of yellow brown soil zone is also the highest,while soils of latosol zone, laterihc red soil zone, grey brown desert soil zone andbrown desert zone as well as some soils in the red soil zone are unable to fix addedNH+4. Based on the differences in the amount of fixed NH+4 and its contribution tosoil N pool, as well as in the ability for fixing NH+4, soils in China except those inthe alpine and subalpine soil zones are grouped into 10 soil regions.
Acta Pedologica Sinica