目的了解中国消化疾病患者对自身症状的认知情况,比较不同性别、学历、就诊次数的患者对症状的理解是否存在差异。方法中国医师协会联合武汉协和医院对全国9个省市具有消化道症状的患者进行随机上消化道症状理解情况的问卷调查。基本信息包括性别、年龄、学历、就诊次数。调查内容包括消化不良、餐后饱胀、烧心、早饱、上腹痛等5项症状。统计方法选用Mantel-Haenszel卡方检验。结果共发放问卷3 000份,收回有效问卷2 799份。对消化不良症状认识的正确率只有35.29%。对早饱症状认识的正确率为37.70%。对餐后饱胀症状认识的正确率为52.27%。对烧心症状认识的正确率仅为30.02%。30.02%的患者能够正确理解烧心的部位在胸骨后。对于上腹痛部位的认识正确率仅为25.4%。年龄越大的患者症状认知能力越低,学历越高的患者理解能力越高,首次复诊患者理解能力高于初诊和反复复诊患者。性别不是独立影响因素。结论病人对消化道症状的理解正确率较低,医师应在接诊时重新评估消化疾病患者的自述症状。
Objective To investigate the self-understanding abihiy of Chinese patients with digestive disease about the upper gastrointestinal symptoms. To evaluate the role of patients' characters, such as sex, age, education background and clinic visits, which might affect the understanding ability of patients. Methods A questionnaire was sent to 3 000 patients with diges- tive diseases. The 9-item questionnaite explored the basic patients characters and five major upper gastroenterology disorders. Results The response rate was 93.33% . Patients' understanding about the dyspepsia is poor( 35.29% ). The accuracy rate of early satiety and postprandial fullness is 37.7% and 52.27% separately they are the most confusing concepts mutually. The ac- curacy rate of heartburn is 30.02% ,the location of burning sensation is the key aspect for understanding of heartburn. The abili- ty of symptoms self-understanding in patients enhanced with increasing age, higher education background and clinic visits. Conclusion Based on the low accuracy rate of self-understanding of patients, this survey suggests that the gastroenterologists should reevaluated the symptoms of patients during the clinical inquiry.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
Upper- gastrointestinal symptoms
Self- understanding
Muhicenter questionnaire survey