为了提高隧道监控系统的安全可靠性,提出了一种基于霍尼韦尔Master Logic-200PLC的硬件冗余控制设计方案。本文介绍了PLC冗余控制系统的原理和结构,详细分析了应用中的硬件组态和系统构成。本系统已经在国家高速公路十堰至天水段隧道监控中心成功运行。
In order to improve the safety and reliability of the tunnel monitoring system, a hardware redundancy control design scheme based on honeywell Master Logic-200 PLC is proposed.PLC redundancy control system principle and structure is introduced.The hardware configuration and system structure is analyzed in detail.This system has been successfully operation in the national highway shiyan to danshui section.
Electronics World