
粘土含水率变化对微型钢管桩工作机理影响研究 被引量:2

Study on Influence of Clay Percent Moisture Content Change on the Working Mechanism of Micro Steel Pipe Piles
摘要 通过改变滑坡土体的含水率,进行了微型钢管桩的模型对比试验,研究微型钢管桩在不同的土体性状条件下的承载能力、变形受力特征以及破坏模式等的变化情况。试验结果表明:含水率的变化对微型桩的水平承载力有显著影响,含水率增大,微型桩组合结构的承载力降低;桩体的受力变形方式随含水率变化也存在差异,含水率小的情况下,微型桩在滑床与滑体中同时变形,而含水率大时,滑床中的变形更为显著,滑体中负弯矩值变化缓慢;桩体承受的土压力主要集中在滑面附近,滑面下滑床中一定范围为微型桩抗滑的关键部位;在一定含水率范围内,含水率大时表现出更好的整体性,桩土结合较好,各排桩均匀承担荷载,协同变形。 The paper deals with the model contrast test of micro steel pipe piles and with the study of change of their bearing capacity,deformation stress and failure mode under different conditions of soil properties by changing the percent moisture contents of the landslip soil.The test results show that the change of percent moisture content has great influence on the horizontal bearing capacity of the micro steel pipe piles: the percent moisture content increases,the bearing capacity of composite structure of the micro steel pipe pile decreases;the stress deformation of the micro pile varies with change of percent moisture content.When the percent moisture content is low,the micro pile suffers deformation in the slide bed and in the slide mass at the same time.When the percent moisture content is high,the deformation of the micro pile in the slide bed is more significant,and the change of negative bending moment value in the slide mass is slow.The soil pressure borne by the micro pile mostly concentrates on the vicinity of the slide plane.The certain area of the slide bed beneath the slide plane is considered the key part to resist slide of the micro piles.Within the certain limits of percent moisture content,high percent moisture content helps to create better bonding of micro piles and soil,to make all the rows of micro piles bear the loads evenly and to coordinate deformation.
出处 《云南水力发电》 2012年第5期20-24,36,共6页 Yunnan Water Power
关键词 微型钢管桩 滑坡 模型试验 桩土作用 土压力分布 micro steel pipe pile landslide model test pile soil interaction distribution of soil pressure
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