广义的所有制概念,指生产条件的分配,即包括物质生产条件的分配, 和人身的生产条件,即劳动力的分配;狭义的所有制,专指物质的生产条件的分配。 长期以来,我们无视广义所有制概念,单纯把生产资料公有制视为社会主义生产方式 的基础,回避劳动力归个人所有这一事实,从残缺的所有制概念出发推演一切,陷入 形而上学。只有正视社会主义下“生产条件的分配”内含的公与私、社会与个人的矛 盾,从广义所有制内含的矛盾出发对现实进行逻辑分析,才能走向真理。
Ownership in broad sense refers to distribution of working condition, which includes the distribution of material production condition and personal production condition, i. e. distribution of labor. Ownership in narrow sense specifically refers to distribution of material production condition. For a long time, the concept of ownership in broad sense has been ignored, and public ownership of means of production has simply been viewed as the basis of socialist mode of production, and the fact that labor force owned by individual has been evaded. Reference and deduction have been conducted in terms of the incomplete concept of ownership. As the result, there appeared metaphysics. As long as the conflicts of the public and the private, society and individual inherent in the socialist 'distribution of production condition' are squarely faced, and analysis on the actual situation is conducted in terms of the conflicts inherent in the ownership in broad sense, truth can be realized.
Tribune of Political Science and Law
Concept of Ownership in Broad Sense
Distribution of Production Condition
Distribution of Labor Force
System Building