
20世纪的中国民族器乐艺术 被引量:5

The Art of Chinese Instrumental Music in the 20^(th) Century
摘要 前言在中国数千年的音乐历史上,20世纪有十分特殊的地位和意义。百余年间,顺应中国社会、经济、文化全面转型的历史潮流,几代音乐家上下求索、勤于创造,审慎而又智慧地处理了一次次迎面而来的中—西、古—今、雅—俗等多重关系,目标如一地致力于从传统到现代的转接,最终为20世纪的中国音乐文化事业做了两件彪炳史册的大事。其一,全面系统地记录、整理了存活于各民族各地区丰富多彩的传统音乐遗产,将其公开出版,使之成为中国民族文化的宝典。其二,以中国传统音乐资源为基底, Ⅰ.Traditions and Modernity Every composer of every different age may face the choice between traditions and modernity.For composers, traditional music is the very source of their creations, but once they begin to compose their own music, they will consciously or unconsciously fuse modernity into their works.In this sense, modern composition is by no means the repetition or reproduction of traditions, but on the contrary, it is aimed at promoting modernity or displaying the modernity of man and of the society.This also applies to music rearrangement and transplantation, especially those successful rearrangement and transplantation works, such as the orchestral work ″Ambushes from All Sides″ rearranged by Liu Wenjin and ″The River Water″ transplanted by Huang Haihuai, both of which differ so greatly from traditional pipa or guanzi music.This is so because the composer has dealt well with the relations between the two aspects, and has made a completely new interpretation of traditional music by giving priority to modernity.This does not mean to degrade traditions, but rather abstract, experience and understand the traditions endlessly as a lifetime task for the composer.In a sense, the more you get known with traditions, the more strength you will have in pursuing modernity.And in this way, the composer will create his own domain of extreme ″ strength″ , with the help of which the composer will maintain his vitality for ever.In general, modernity is built on the basis of the background of rich traditions while traditions should also face the challenge of modernity.Only those who have dealt perfectly with the relations of the two can have their works highly recognized by history.II.Composition Techniques and Concepts Technique is the basic measure and premises for music composition.It is both a form and content.Techniques are of both modernity and historicalness.Western music has developed in the process from Baroque, Classicism, and Romanticism to Impressionism and to Modernism, which reflects the prog
作者 乔建中
机构地区 中国艺术研究院
出处 《人民音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期40-44,95-96,共5页 People’s Music
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