
接触式与非接触式眼轴测量方法的比较研究 被引量:3

Comparison of contact versus non-contact measurements of axial length
摘要 对138例(138眼)白内障患者分别应用IOLMaster系统和直接接触式A超进行眼轴测量,比较两者的测量结果。A超和IOLMaster系统测量的眼轴结果高度相关,但IOLMaster系统测量的眼轴长度略长于A超结果,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。A超与IOLMaster系统两者差值的平均值为(-0.198±0.146)mm,随着眼轴增加,两种测量方法之间的差值亦有所增加。对于眼轴〉28133131的白内障患者,IOLMaster系统对于眼轴测量的误差控制范围要低于A超。IOLMaster系统是一较为简单、快速、可靠的非接触眼轴测量方法。 To compare the measurements of axial length by A-scan ultrasound and IOLMaster. For a total of 138 eyes, axial length was measured with IOLMaster followed by contact A-scan ultrasound. Though a great correlation existed between two measurements, the axial length was a little longer with IOLMaster than with A-scan ultrasound. And the difference was statistically significant (P 〈 0. 01 ). The mean difference of two methods was ( -0. 198± 0. 146) ram. With the elongation of axial length, the difference of two methods also increased. For cataract patients with axial length 〉 28 mm, the control range of error from IOLMaster for axial length was much lower than that from A-scan. Thus IOLMaster is a simple, fast, reliable and non-contact measurement method of axial length.
出处 《中华全科医师杂志》 2012年第10期781-783,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practitioners
基金 上海市卫生局科研项目光学相干生物测量仪眼球测量技术的优化研究(2007014)
关键词 超声检查 干扰量度法 Uhrasonography Interferometry
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