作者自 1981年~ 1998年共收治动脉闭合性损伤 15例。经手术探查 :端端吻合 3例 ,采用自体大隐静脉移植 12例 ,本组 13例建立了有效血循环 ,2例术后动脉及远端血管床广泛栓塞而截肢 ,截肢率为 13.3%。对膝部严重损伤骨折或脱位要高度重视 ,因闭合性动脉损伤容易延误诊断 ,若处理不及时易造成肢体坏死的结果 ,对足背动脉搏动减弱或消失 ,肢体远端皮肤发凉 ,应高度怀疑动脉损伤 ,结合Doppler检查 ,及时作出诊断 ,并尽早手术探查 ,重建血循环以减少并发症。
cases of closed popliteal artery injuries were treated from 1981 to 1998. We did anastomosis end by end in 3 cases, self-transplanted great saphenous vein in 12 cases. Then effective blood circulation had been built in 13 cases, but amputation were done in 2 cases after operation for thrombus formed in popliteal artery and terminal vessel bed. The rate of amputation is 13.3%. so we must pay attention to the severe knee injury, because closed popliteal artery injury can easily be misdiagnosis. If it cann't be treated in time, the Limb may necrose. when arteria arcuate pedis pulses weak or the pulse disappear, the terminal Limb skin become cold. We must think of popliteal artery injury. We can make diagnosis by Doppler, and then we muse operate as soon as possible, rebuild the blood circulation and reduce the complications
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University