
一种洞察客户的“价值-行为”数据挖掘方法及应用 被引量:2

"Value-acts" data mining technologies and applications on customer insight
摘要 从客户价值理论角度,提出一种客户"价值-行为"洞察分析模型,将客户价值评价、价值客户聚类、关联行为分析等独立分析单元,逻辑联结于同一分析模型下,以获取可反映不同价值客户"类"特征及其消费行为轮廓的知识。以X区移动通信客户价值管理为实例,阐述了方法应用及营销策略分析的主要过程,为通信企业提供了一种价值客户的有效管理策略。 From the theoretical point of view of customer value, it offers a customer insight "value-behavior" analysis model, which logically links independent analysis unit of customer value assessment, the value of customer clustering with the associated behavior analysis in the same analysis model, so that it obtained the knowledge that can reflect different customer value "class" characteristics and the profile of consumer behavior. Taken X area mobile communication customer value management as the example, it described the main process of the method application and marketing strategy analysis, thus provided effective management strategies of value customer for the communications business.
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2012年第5期116-121,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 移动通信客户 客户价值 客户洞察力 聚类分析 关联分析 mobile clients, customer value, customer insight, clustering analysis ,association a-nalysis
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